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The Emporium Myadris
The finest of the fine. The Emporium Myadris offers only the best treasures from all over the planescape. Located through (but not in) The Herman Bros & Co. Bank, Myadris will strive to meet all your needs.
We are committed to serving our guest; a deposit of 100 Platinum (P) or 10 Platinum Ceremonium (PC) is required to enter The Emporium Myadris. Sorry TEM does not accept Gold or Gold Ceremonium
Superior Tier Items
Memnonnar Arrow/Bolt: +3 to attack & dmg + 1d4 fire dmg. Range of 500 ft. 3P/4P each
Provian Elemental Arrow/Bolt: +3 to attack & dmg+2d8 typed dmg. 5P/6P each
Enhanced Elemental Arrow/Bolt: Spell typed casting arrows. 1PC/15P each
Heart of Balfor Arrow/Bolt (+3): Crush tip (DC 15 Str) and hold for 6 secs. to charge arrow. Will ignite on impact or in 1d4+3 secs doing 54d6/48c6 dmg. to 20ft radius. 5PC/5PC each
Armor of Resistance (Lgt/Med/Hvy): Resistance to one type of elemental damage (tailored upon request). 250P/40PC/50PC
Armor of Vulnerability (Lgt/Med/Hvy): Resistance to one of the following damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (tailored upon request). 5PC/6PC/7PC
Belt of Elvenkind: Constitution score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24. 30PC
Animated Shield: The shield leaps into the air and hovers in your space to protect you as if you were wielding it. 50PC
Dancing Sword : The sword flies and attacks up to four creatures and returns to your hand. 75PC
Provian Scimitar of Speed (+3): Make one Attack with it as a bonus Action on each of your turns. 60PC
Gambler's Blade: The dagger has a high chance of dealing massive dmg or slight chance of reducing wielder's HP by half. 40PC
Provian Crossbow (+3): Store up to 10 bolts without having to reload. 60PC
Provian Hand Crossbow (+3): Store up to 5 bolts without having to reload. 60PC
Shard of Sigil Mail (Lgt/Med/Hvy): Immunity to one type of elemental damage (tailored upon request). 50PC/60PC/70PC
Dwarven Thrower (+3): Hammer thrown with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When you hit with a ranged attack deal an extra 1d8 damage or, if the target is a giant, 2d8 damage. 80PC
Rod of the Pact Keeper (+3): Inquire within. 75PC
Marvelous Tier Items (Inquire within)
Astral Spire 60PC
Belt of Storm Giant Strength 80PC
Blade of the Storm Giant 150PC
Erubus' Chaos 100PC
Hammer of Thunderbolts 180PC
Luck Blade 777PC
Reinfleche Bow 100PC
Shard of Sigil Plate (Lgt/Med/Hvy): Immunity to one of the following damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (tailored upon request). 150PC/180PC/200PC
Soul-Blade 50PC
Sword of the Nameless King 150PC
Whisper & Mist (sold as a set) 90PC
Wind Saber 100PC
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